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Christmas Day Menu


Prawn Cocktail

Somerset brie and beetroot chutney tart

Baby leeks wrapped in ham served with a creamy cheese sauce

Stilton and broccoli soup served with crusty bread


Roast Turkey breast and stuffing

Roast silverside of beef served with a Yorkshire pudding

Roast Gammon

All of the above are served with pigs wrapped in blankets and vegetables

Roast vegetable, cranberry and goats cheese nut roast


Christmas pudding served with brandy sauce

Chocolate Irish truffle

Champagne and raspberry torte

Apple pie and custard

Cheese and biscuits

And to finish...

Coffee and a mince pie.

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£35.00 per head, Under 12’s £15.00, Bookings only.

Please book by Sunday 15th December. Please call 01430 436359 or email to request a booking form.


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